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The Role of Joint Control in Teaching Complex Responding to Children with Autism and Other Disabilities

WEBINAR JOINT CONTROL - Aba for Disability - Vincent J. Carbone en 160,00


Skinner’s (1957) analysis of language has much to offer clinicians interested in teaching verbal behavior to persons with autism.  Much of the research in this area has emphasized the teaching of speaker behavior with less work dedicated to a thorough analysis of the contingencies operating on the behavior of the listener. Possibly due to this lack of attention cognitive explanations of comprehension, understanding and word recognition have persisted. A special form of multiple control called joint stimulus control may provide an alternative and cogent analysis of complex listener and other behavior. The purpose of this presentation is to provide an overview of the conceptual analysis of joint control and the basic and applied research that has followed.  Video demonstrations of the teaching of joint control with participants from a published study conducted in our clinic and additional clinical applications will be presented to illustrate the implementation of joint control procedures in applied settings.

Friday September 23 12:00 to 3:00 pm EST


  • Participants will be able to define joint stimulus control
  • Participants will be able to describe the role of verbal mediating events in problem solving.
  • Participants will be able to identify at least three skills that can be taught to children with autism using the methods derived from the concept of joint stimulus control.
  • Participants will be able to offer explanations for complex human behavior based upon joint stimulus control.

Vincent J. Carbone

Illustrious award for “International Dissemination of Behavior Analysis” from the Society for the Advancement of Behavior Analysis (SABA) 2022

Vincent J. Carbone - Joint Control - Aba for Disablity

Vincent J. Carbone, Ed.D., BCBA-D, is a Board Certified Behavior Analyst-Doctorate  and New York State Licensed Behavior Analyst.  He received his graduate training in Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) at Drake University.  He ecurrently serves as an adjunct faculty member at Penn State University and has taught in graduate degree programs in Behavior Analysis at the University of Salerno, in Salerno, Italy, and The European Institute for the Study of Human Behavior (IESCUM), in Parma, Italy.  His behavior analytic research has been published in the Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, The Analysis of Verbal Behavior, Behavior Modification and several other peer-reviewed scientific journals.  He has provided the required university training to hundreds of individuals pursuing board certification as behavior analysts in the U.S. and overseas. He is the 2017 recipient of the “Jack Michael Outstanding Contributions in Verbal Behavior Award” from ABAI’s Verbal Behavior Special Interest Group. He serves as the director of the Carbone Clinics in London, UK, and Dubai, UAE. The Carbone Clinic is the 2022 recipient of the award for “International Dissemination of Behavior Analysis” from the Society for the Advancement of Behavior Analysis (SABA). Presently, he sits on the Board of Directors for the B.F. Skinner Foundation.